Sunday, January 7, 2018

Numerology for 2018

The universal year of the 2 based on the 11....

This is a year where the heart rules the mind .....
The heart always wins, the hearts always right....
The ones who follow their hearts are the ones who will taste the sweet fruits of their labour. 
After last year's 1 influence of new beginnings new ways and new ideas.... 2/11 is when everything done based on intuition will move forward. Partnership team work also play an important role. 
Above all else 
Peace and Love rule.....
May Peace and Love be with you.

Thursday, February 16, 2017

The year 2017

Change requires turmoil. The caterpillar changes into the butterfly through enormous struggle. 2016 is a 9 year. A year of change and endings. It brings endings so new beginnings can occur. Endings and change bring about some pain and struggle, but with it comes the hope that all will be well. 2017 is a 1 year. A year of new beginnings and starts. A year of fresh starts, new hopes and new dreams. A fresh new slate to write a new story, to begin again. A second chance for some. As this year comes to an end full of change, let's all hope for the best, Keep our spirits up and cheer the ones who are slow to accept the changes.